Shōzō Shimamoto

Group Show

1962 Don’t Worry, the Moon Won’t Fall Down: Gutai art and Moderita modern dance, Sankei Hall, Osaka, Japan

1962 The 11th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Takashimaya, Osaka, Japan

1963 The 13th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Takashimaya, Osaka, Japan

1963 The 12th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Takashimaya, Osaka, Japan

1964 The 14th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Takashimaya, Osaka, Japan

1965 Groupe Gutai-Gutai Art Exhibition in Paris, Galerie Stadler, Paris, France

1965 The 16th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Keko, Tokyo, Japan

1965 The 15th Gutai Art Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka, Japan

1965 NUL 65. NUL Negentienhonderd Vijf en Zestig, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1966 The 17th Gutai Art Exhibition, Department Store Takashimaya, Yokohama, Japan

1966 Il Salon International des Galeries Pilotes Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland

1966 NUL 66. NUL Negentienhonderd Zes en Zestig, Galerij Olez, The Hague, Netherlands